Times, 2023

Mechanical metronome brass bells, solenoid actuators, microcontrollers, time-of-flight sensors, acoustic waves

The work emits a loop of low pitches once activated as well as high pitches that emerge when the actuator network triggers in relation to the sensor-detected presence of visitors in proximity to a bell.

  • Space Objectifs - Centre for Photography & Film, Lower Gallery. Singapore

  • Exhibtion Coordination DASSAD Collective

  • Engineering Justin Ong

  • Photography Zehern&Zeherng

  • Videography Zehern&Zeherng

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Steps, 2022

LED strip lights, time-of-flight sensors, microcontrollers, stainless steel profiles

Triggered through visitors entering the work‘s sensory radius the LED strip lights change color to random hues along the visible light spectrum.

  • Space National Museum of Singapore. Singapore

  • Festival Director David Chew / Singapore Night Festival

  • Engineering Justin Ong, Lai Jian Ting

  • Photography Tan Yang Lin Jonathan

  • Videography Tan Yang Lin Jonathan

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Scent, 2022

Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) sensor, microcontroller, stainless steel casing, cloud server, projector, Unreal Engine particle system

The work functions as a real time olfactory visualisation mechanism that translates visiors‘ molecules/aromatic profiles into light gradients and shapes via interaction with the VOC sensor.

  • Space Art Outreach. Singapore

  • Exhibition Coordination Artist

  • Scent Analytics Tan Wee Chong, Fred Soh

  • Data Science Amruth Srivathsan

  • Engineering Christian Eviston-Putsch

  • Photography Tan Yang Lin Jonathan, Colin Wan

  • Videography Tan Yang Lin Jonathan

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Drop, 2022

Borosilicate glass separatory funnel, water, stainless steel braided wire, stainless steel clamps, 2-axis mechanical motion system, microcontroller, fuse board, transformer

The work oscillates in a randomly generated pattern via the use of Arduino software, releasing small drops of water that momentarily mark the floor, only to gradually evaporate and disappear again.

  • Space Starch. Singapore

  • Curator Jeremy Sharma

  • Engineering Christian Eviston-Putsch, Lai Jian Ting, Li Jiang Yan

  • Photography Tan Yang Lin Jonathan

  • Videography Tan Yang Lin Jonathan

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Core, 2021

Discarded camera lenses, stainless steel wires and halogen lights

Gently tapping the suspended lenses activates the projections’ orbital motion across the floor.

  • Space Field Studies, Singapore

  • Curator Berny Tan

  • Engineering Christian Eviston-Putsch

  • Photography Tan Yang Lin Jonathan

  • Videography Tan Yang Lin Jonathan

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